Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Slice of Life — March 6: Find My Skills

I’ve learned some of my greatest life lessons as a mom. The wisdom of a two year old has a way of putting life in perspective. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child and allowing yourself to find the profound in their words and actions is one of my greatest joys and blessings. Just this last week, Wesley made me think about things a little differently through his childlike wonder.

I was enjoying our monthly visit with Wesley’s Parents as Teachers instructor. This wonderful lady spends an hour with Wesley and me in our home each month, sharing an activity with Wesley, helping me better understand his developmental levels, and offering some parental guidance. During this particular visit, she brought a balloon and a paper plate that was attached to a paint stick, creating a racquet. She demonstrated for Wesley how to hit the balloon with the racquet, helping him develop his hand eye coordination and getting him to see how many times he could hit the balloon before it hit the floor. It took a bit for Wesley to get the hang of keeping the balloon in the air, but soon he was chasing the balloon all over his room, hitting the balloon over and over with a wide grin spread across his face.

As Wesley chased the balloon, his teacher complimented him, saying, “You’ll have to show your daddy your skills when he gets home.”  Immediately, Wesley dropped his racquet, allowed the balloon to hit the floor, and ran from his room. As he entered the kitchen I heard him shout, “I have to find my skills!” His teacher and I laughed out loud, realizing Wesley believed his “skills” were something that could be found like a toy or a shoe. He didn’t realize he already had his skills and didn’t have to search for them at all.

Later that night I began to think about what Wesley had said. I began to wonder how often I approach life believing I have to search for my skills. Do I live my life believing I possess skills or that I have to go looking for them, hoping I’ll find something I’m good at or something that validates my worth? The truth is, we all have been blessed with our own unique skills and abilities. We don’t have to go find them. We don’t have to question whether they exist. We just have to believe that we have the skills necessary and then, like Wesley, practice and refine them.

Some days it is easy to recognize my skills. Other days, when life gets difficult or when I begin to doubt, I question  whether I’m good enough, strong enough, smart enough, capable enough to do the job set before me. That’s when I need to be reminded that I don’t have to go look for my skills. They are already inside me, just waiting to be believed in and put to use.


  1. I am picturing Wesley opening drawers and cabinet doors and searching for his skills. This made me laugh out loud too!! Great story and a perfect way to remind all of us about our skills!

  2. So, this would be a great story for a devotional for like Christian standard. Very deep, very thought provoking. Loved it!
