Friday, March 9, 2018

Slice of Life — March 9: Tired Friday Night

It was a busy week! A couple of evening activities this week for both my husband and me meant busy evenings, too. As a kid, I remember Friday nights being the night I wanted to go do something with my family. It was a night to celebrate the start of the weekend. My parents were generous, and most Friday nights we went out to eat.

I still want to go out to eat on Friday nights, but I am much less anxious to go do something on the night of the end of the work week. By most Friday evenings I am absolutely exhausted. Tonight was no exception, as I fell asleep on the couch by 8:30, waking just in time to write this blog. Looking back, I realize my parents must have felt the same way on those Friday nights when I was a kid.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the same thing with my parents. We always had pizza on Fridays, which looking back, makes a lot of sense for two teachers with two kids! I feel guilty now about all the times I woke them up early on Saturdays, now that I know how it feels!!
