Friday, March 2, 2018

Slice of Life — March 2: 10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

It’s been a crazy week, wrapped up with our annual middle school PTO fundraiser. Given my lack of creative energy this evening, here are ten things you might not know about me.

1. My friends like to tease me about the many movies I haven’t seen. Apparently I have missed out on a lot of “classic” movies throughout the years. A few of my friends have made it their mission to start crossing movies off the list of those I’ve never seen.

2. I can be a messy person. I tend to leave my clothes laying around, leave my shoes sitting around the house, and am not the best at picking up after myself.

3. I don’t always like trying new things. I tend to order the same things at restaurants and am most comfortable with familiar things.

4. I can whistle two different ways. I know this one sounds strange, but I learned to whistle one way as a kid and another way when I got older.

5. I like to decorate. I enjoy decorating my house and am currently in the process of decorating my son’s new bedroom. I love picking out new things and finding just the right pieces that go together.

6. I hate grocery shopping. The whole process annoys me — the shopping, the standing in line, the loading of the groceries in the car, and putting them away when you get home.

7. I love shrimp. It’s one of my favorite foods and I order it frequently when we go out to eat.

8. At the end of a bad day, I sometimes reward myself with ice cream. Mint chocolate chip is my go to option.

9. I am not a morning person. I opt to hit snooze multiple times when my alarm clock sounds and it usually takes me an hour or more to feel fully awake.

10. I can’t blow a bubble with bubble gum. I have tried unsuccessfully for years and have to use my own strange method to blow even the tiniest bubble.

1 comment:

  1. I am cracking up at #2! I just cannot even begin to see this!! I will be looking forward to the demonstration of the two different ways of whistling...who knew?! I am certainly with you on the grocery shopping, but maybe if you threw a pint of mint chocolate chip in your basket it might not make it seem so annoying?!! That is what I would do anyway :) It is worth a try!
