Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Slice of Life: March 31 -- Final Reflections on Slicing

I can't believe tomorrow is April 1st!  What happened to the month of March?  What has happened to this school year?

This March has been particularly hectic, full of far too many obligations and events filling every inch of my calendar.  As a result, keeping up with a Slice of Life has been even more difficult than anticipated.  Couple that with the fact that I found it difficult to find new topics, and this year's Slice of Life Challenge lived up to its name.  I've thought a lot about why it was more difficult and I've talked with my colleagues who are second timers like me.  Here are my final thoughts on year two, why it was so difficult for me, and what I learned:

1.  It's the act of writing that truly matters, even when I feel like my writing doesn't match my expectations.  Life happens.  There are days I am not at my best but still try to do my best.  I don't always accomplish all I would like in a day.  I don't always do everything exactly the way I would like.  My writing this month was no exception.  I often felt like my writing wasn't my best.  Often times, despite my best efforts, I lacked creativity and inspiration.  Looking back, however, I realize that the fact that I wrote each day for 31 days is what truly matters.  Writing is a process.  It's messy and unpredictable and certainly not perfect.  Expecting perfection was unrealistic.

2.  This year's Slice of Life posts were perhaps an even better reflection of my life.  My posts this year were often short.  Sometimes they were rushed.  There were many times they were typed on my phone while I laid in bed or when I was faced with no Internet service.  There were days I didn't feel well, nights that I got busy with other obligations and my post became my last priority of the day.  Those posts are a true reflection of my life.  My life is busy.  My job is stressful.  I often feel tired and like I am struggling just to get done what must be done each day.  Not everyday is exciting and inspiring.  Some days are exhausting.  That's real life and I feel like my posts this year, while not necessarily motivating and inspiring, were a more accurate reflection of my everyday life.

3.  Year two is definitely more difficult than year one.  I know I've said it already, but I thought year two would be easier.  I'm not sure why I thought that.  I suppose I thought I already knew how much perseverance it would take.  I suppose I knew I could do it because I had done it before.  I suppose I believed the topics would come easily.  Truth be told, it took even more perseverance this year, there were several times I wanted to quit, and as I've already mentioned, the topics were hard to come by.  I have already decided that I need a better plan for next year.  I need to figure out topics ahead of time, designate a specific time to write, and look for inspiration from my fellow slicers.

4.  Yes, I am sure I will slice again next year.  Right now, I am glad to be finished slicing.  I honestly won't miss writing tomorrow.  However, I know I will make the commitment again and take on the challenge.  Let's just hope I feel a little more inspired!

5.  I am so proud of my students and colleagues who completed a Slice of Life.  I loved seeing my kids so excited today about their accomplishment and about writing in general.  These kids have something they will always remember and they can use this experience to help them persevere in the future.  I hope they have developed a love of writing and the belief that they can accomplish amazing things when they are willing to work hard and not give up.

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