Thursday, March 12, 2015

Slice of Life: March 12 -- The Magic of the Moment

I was visiting a teacher's classroom today when I noticed this quote on her board:

"Don't miss the magic of the moment by focusing on what's to come."

This quote struck me, so much so that I wrote it down before I left her room.  I'm always a sucker for a good quote, but for some reason, this particular quote did more than make me pause.  It made me think.

As I pondered the message of the quote, I began to wonder just how often I miss the "magic of the moment."  I've already confessed on this blog that I am a worrier.  Worry, in and of itself, can rob me of the present because I am so focused on what might or might not come.  I've also confessed that I am a list maker.  I like to have a plan, to know what to expect, and to look ahead in order to solve problems.  However, just like worrying, my desire to plan ahead can sometimes steal away my enjoyment of the moment.

As I continued to think about this quote, I thought about all the magical moments I might miss on a daily basis just because I am so wrapped up in my to-do list, making plans for the future, or looking ahead.  Sure, making lists and checking off tasks is productive.  Being prepared and making plans is part of being responsible, organized, and forward thinking.  However, just like anything, taken to excess, my desire to plan and prepare can cause me to lose sight of what's right in front of me.

The chance to have a positive impact on a student.

The colleague who could use an encouraging word.

The opportunity to make someone's day.

The magic of knowing that I am living in the moment, the here and now, and that being fully present in the moment is what makes it magical.  

I'll probably always be a list maker.  I doubt I will stop planning and preparing for the future.  I do hope, however, that I can learn to make the most of each moment I am given, and in doing so, capture a little magic.

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