Saturday, March 21, 2015

Slice of Life: March 21 -- A Reflection on Slicing

As I sat down to write this evening, I couldn't help but count the number of days left in this year's Slice of Life. Seeing that we have ten more days of writing, I thought I would pause tonight and reflect on what I have learned thus far during my 21 days of slicing.

So, here goes:

1.  I have discovered that A Slice of Life has been more difficult the second time around. I honestly thought this year slicing would be easier. After all, I had a month of practice from last year. However, I have learned that quite the opposite has been true. I have found it more difficult to come up with interesting topics, to stay motivated to write, and to feel like anything I have to write about is worth reading. I have honestly struggled through this past week, each day believing the next day will be easier. So far, that hasn't been the case.

2.  I plan to finish strong. Despite the fact that it's been more difficult this year, I plan to finish strong and am going to challenge myself in these last ten days. I am going to find ways to be inspiring, to write about things that really matter, and to dig deep to discover topics that will be interesting and motivating.

3.  In spite of the challenge and my struggles, I have still found A Slice of Life to be a rewarding experience. Perhaps it's my competitive nature, but it feels good to follow through and accomplish a task, especially one that hasn't been easy. Most things in life that are worth doing are difficult. Slicing this month has been no exception. It's good to know that I am meeting a goal and keeping a commitment I made to myself, my colleagues, and my students.

Ten more days. I can do it. I can finish strong. So can you!

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