Thursday, March 17, 2016

Slice of Life: March 17 -- Thursday?

I stopped myself as I left a meeting at the end of the day. The words "Have a good weekend" almost flew out of my mouth when the bell rang, signaling the end of another school day. "It's not Friday," I thought to myself. Shortly thereafter, while on crosswalk duty, I asked my colleague how her meeting was. Then I realized her meeting was on Friday and that today was still Thursday.

For whatever reason, I've been a day off all week. Monday I thought it was Tuesday. Tuesday I thought it was Wednesday. Wednesday I thought...well, you get the drift. Maybe it was daylight savings time that threw me off. Perhaps it is the fact that it's the week before spring break. Perhaps today it had to do with the fact that I wore jeans to work today, attire that is normally reserved for Friday.

It was and has been Thursday all day. Which means that tomorrow is finally Friday. I'll be in trouble, though, if I wake up thinking it's Saturday.

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