Thursday, March 10, 2016

Slice of Life: March 10 -- Excellence

Tonight was our school district's annual MAP Banquet, where we recognize students who scored all advanced on last year's MAP assessments.  It's a proud night for me, as I get to witness current and former students earn recognition for their outstanding achievements.  I feel a tremendous sense of pride as I sit and watch our students receive their awards.  I am amazed by their work ethic, dedication, and determination, and feel honored that I had a very small part in their life.  Students leave the middle school and I don't often get to follow their achievements or keep up with their life beyond the two years they spend in my building.  On nights like tonight, however, I get the chance to see just how far they have gone and how much they have accomplished.  We have so much to be proud of in our community, and tonight was a perfect example of that.  While it was great to recognize so many students this evening, there are just as many other students who may not have scored all advanced on the MAP test, but who have still achieved excellence in academics, fine arts, sports, and many other areas.  I am very proud to be able to witness their success.  It's truly an honor and another great reminder of why we do what we do each day.

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