Sunday, March 23, 2014

Slice of Life: March 23 -- Sunday Nights

Sundays are a paradox. In so many ways, Sunday is one of my favorite days of the week.  I enjoy going to church, our weekly lunch with my parents, and my customary Sunday afternoon nap.  On the other hand, Sunday is also one of my least favorite days of the week.  It means the weekend has come to a close.  It means that I begin thinking about all the things I should have accomplished during the weekend and didn't.  It means my mind begins to focus on work again and all that has to be accomplished in the coming week. 

Sunday nights are especially interesting.  I find myself trying to squeeze out every last minute of my weekend, while at the same time, trying to ready myself for the week.  Sunday evenings entail getting my clothes ready for Monday, packing my briefcase, considering what I'll eat for lunch the next day, and mentally going through my calendar for the approaching work week.  I find myself wanting to stay up late watching a movie or reading a book, but then find myself hitting snooze when my alarm sounds on Monday morning.

Spring break Sundays are even more challenging.  I've truly enjoyed my break.  While I didn't do anything particularly exciting, it was nice to cross a few items off my to-do list, enjoy visiting with friends and family, and enjoy several dinners at some of my favorite restaurants.  At the same time, it will be nice to get back to a routine tomorrow.  It will be good to see my students and my colleagues and begin tackling some projects that need my attention. 

Yes, Sundays are a paradox.  I'm planning to enjoy the last few hours of mine before it's off to bed and time for a new week to begin.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I think you just explain almost everyone's Sundays you explained how I feel on Sunday. Except I do other things to get ready for the Monday. I really enjoyed your post keep on writing.
