Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Slice of Life: March 19 -- Birthday Wishes

Today is the day my dad used to jokingly tell me he was going to mark off the calendar when I was a kid. Yes, today is my birthday.

It's interesting how birthdays change as you get older. As a kid, it was all about the presents and the party and an entire day to celebrate "you."  There are those milestone birthdays that hold special significance as you get older: your sweet sixteen and being able to drive, turning eighteen and earning the privilege to vote, and turning twenty, knowing your teenage years are behind you. Thirty was also an interesting milestone. My entire staff wore black that day in my honor.

Today I turned 32 and like other birthdays as of late, it's the simple things I appreciate about this day. It's the dinner with my family and cake with ice cream. It's about enjoying a nice lunch and then an afternoon nap and time spent with a good book. It's ordering takeout and enjoying dinner while sitting on the couch with my husband watching a movie. It's also about the birthday texts, phone calls, cards, and even a video message from the summit of the Colorado ski slopes. Yes, that's what birthdays are all about. I enjoy taking pleasure in the simple things and celebrating another year.

It's been a good day. Even if my husband did tell me I am old. He's just kidding, of course. But I'll be sure to return the favor in two months and five days when he celebrates his birthday.

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