Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Slice of Life — March 7: Faith, FrIends, and Fun

Wednesday is my least favorite day of the week. I know most people would expect Monday to be at the top of the list of most hated day of the week. For me, however, Wednesday is a notoriously difficult day of the week. I’m not sure why, but it seems that Wednesday is the day things go wrong, stress levels are heightened, and exhaustion sets in. 

Today wasn’t too bad by Wednesday standards, but I still felt spent at the end of the day. To top it off, I had a meeting after school, homework for church to compete, and dinner to make in a short amount of time. I would by lying if I said the thought of skipping church didn’t enter my mind. Nonetheless, I went to church, unfinished homework and all. 

Boy, am I glad I did. 

While we didn’t get through too much of our lesson, we spent time together as friends laughing, telling stories, sharing one another’s burdens and blessings all while eating chocolate chip cookies. That hour and a half was so refreshing for me. It felt good to laugh, to forget my worries for a moment, and focus on my friends and my faith. 

Yes, I’m still tired. Yes, I’m still feeling behind. But I do have a smile on my face and that’s worth it to me. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your Wednesday ended with a bang! Like many, Monday isn't a favorite of mine, but I do love Thursdays!
