Saturday, March 14, 2015

Slice of Life: March 14 -- A Lazy Saturday

Do you ever have one of those lazy days?  You know the kind.  The lay on the couch, watch TV, don't cook, and love every minute of it kind of days.

Today was one of those days.  Granted, I did manage to clean house somewhere amongst the laziness, but for the vast majority of my day, I did absolutely nothing productive.  I watched one of my favorite television shows I had recorded earlier in the week and hadn't had time to watch yet.  I ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  I took several mid-morning naps as I watched reruns and several movies I hadn't seen in a while.  I ate Chinese food from my favorite restaurant for dinner and watched another movie.  I followed that up by catching the second half of a college basketball game. Later, I walked to my parents' house and enjoyed sitting outside by the warmth of a fire.

There is plenty that I need to get done.  There is laundry that needs folded and more laundry that needs washed.  My spare bedroom closet is bursting at the seems and desperately needs to be organized.  The dishwasher needs unloaded and I probably need to go to the grocery store.  Those things can wait for tomorrow, or the next day, or like the closet, maybe they won't get done at all this week.  Regardless, I am going to savor what's left of my lazy day and leave everything else for later. After all, it will still be waiting for me.

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